Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Can religion be fun? I want to meet friends.?

I am gay too. I just need a church that accepts me. I already heard of Unitarism. I want to become Catholic. Do you know any churches for this? So far religion is not fun for me because I am not accepted anywhere but gay chruches.

Can religion be fun? I want to meet friends.?
When you accept the Lord and believe in Him, you are born again with His life. From that point you are a believer and a member of the church, the body of Christ. You ought to be accepted as a fellow believer and a brother/sister in Christ no matter what your background is and what your sin is.

But it's also your responsibility to love the Lord, to read the word, and simply live Christ. When you do this, when you have the divine shining on you, then you will spontaneously see your sin, the Lord will show your sins as you grow in Him. You will see that homosexuality is a sin in the eyes of the Lord. When you love the Lord, you will not love homosexuality.

Christian fight is not against flesh and blood but against principalities and powers. Rejecting homosexuality is not about rejecting a person, but rejecting the sin in that person. Accepting homosexuals in the church is about accepting the person- sinful, yet willing to seek the Lord- and it's NOT about accepting homosexuality itself.
Reply:the church of reverend manson accepts gay people, reverend manson is very open minded and loves us all the same way
Reply:of course...but we all need to realize to repent of our sin and to be born again is the best thing for us...then we can live again....catholics are very strict...unitarian worships with pagans...try Methodism
Reply:Catholics should accept you, but you know what people are like, they all differ. Go find a good Catholic church and see if you like it.

I do want to point out however that most Catholics will very much frown upon a gay man having a boyfriend, or getting married, or any suggestion of him being sexually active, so if you do decide to convert to Catholicism and also decide gay relationships are acceptable within your religion, choose wisely who knows!

The purpose of religion isn't to be 'fun' as SUCH, its main reason is to connect the person with God, so fun is a secondary aspect. If you can't find a fun and religion in the same place, go look for them in seperate places. You might have to keep your church for serious stuff and your horseriding society (or whatever) for the fun stuff. Not saying that's how it should be, just how it is. Unless you're ok with the happy-clappers.

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