Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Where can I meet friends my age.?

40--50 I never get e-mails.

Where can I meet friends my age.?
I dont have answer for that too, if and when you find them , introduce some to me, sorry I cant help, i am a quiet person, I have lesser chances than you do.....God help us all!
Reply:Thank you for your choice, I am not familiar with this ask and questions. I had one best snswer helping a kid girl. P.S. How can we look up if I live in Hong Kong? Report It

Reply:hmm, not sure what to tell ya, may sound stupid but try the personals in the local paper, or a tattoo shop, a hair salon, a hardware store *being helpful to the damsel in distress*



by other people
Reply:Maybe start going to pubs more.

Or just going for a walk,

You'd be suprised how friendly some people are =]




oh you r 40-50......don't try the above...

u should try a

retirement house

gym oh no heart attack....



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