Sunday, August 22, 2010

Friend who won't let me meet his other friends?

I have a friend who is so reluctant about introducing me to his other friends...we're both adults by the way. This just seems a bit odd to me. He tells me that they're a private part of his life which I think is complete BS. He talks about them all the time so they can't be too private. I've seen pictures of them, how private can they really be? That's just stupid in my opinion. There seems to be no real reason why I can't other than he just doesn't want me to, which makes no sense to me. We've been friends for over 6 years and I've never met a single one of his friends although he's met all of mine. He seems to think we're in 1st grade and that we're "secret friends." What's your opinion?

Friend who won't let me meet his other friends?
God why are these people so in need of entering a self inflicted prison of pain and emotional abuse? Tell him to go to h*ll and then you go find some self respect and at least one real friend, girl get it together you make us real girls look bad,
Reply:He's not confident enough in himself, OR he's ashamed of you, OR he wants to have other girlfriends. Any way you look at it, I'd say look elsewhere for a guy who will respect you.
Reply:Well, he doesn't have to introduce you to his friends if he doesn't want to. The only reason I could think of as to why he doesn't want you to know,is because he might be afraid once you guys meet, you'll forget about him; become better friends etc. It does happen, I've seen it happen first hand, or maybe they know something you don't. I don't share friends, I know it sounds greedy of me, but I'm afraid if they meet-well you know. Hum.. because I am friends with a lot of different people, then again, I don't know. But this is the only reason why I can think of this. I guess if you want to know you have to ask him.
Reply:thats lame....ask him straight up why...tell him you think thats BS!
Reply:He's married. Or, you know, if not actually married, then he's got a good female girlfriend or lover that he doesn't want to learn about you.

I suppose there's some excuse as to why he's never with you on holidays and his birthday, too, right? He must be very handsome or very rich to get away with this sort of thing in the 21st century.
Reply:It seems to me that if you two have been friends for that long, what's the big deal with not wanting you to meet his friends? Something doesn't seem right about that. It sounds to me as if there is something that he doesn't want you to know about him %26amp; maybe he's afraid that if he allows you to meet his friends that one of them may say something that he doesn't want you to know.
Reply:Good chance that He may be lying to you about who He really is.
Reply:Be careful, you cannot just trust him.
Reply:He is afraid that his friends might tell you things about him , things that he has not shared with you.... that why they are in private lifestyle.. why are u introducing all your friends to him..."yes" becos you have nothing to hide.

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